Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 11 Curious

There is a quality to meditation that is like floating on the surface of the ocean. If it is a tranquil day, there is a gentle lift and sink with the internal fluctuations. The emphasis on creating regularity thru my breath or a mantra is less neccessary.

If I there is a lot going on, mentally or emotionally, the surface is rough, and just sitting can be tenuous. Breath or a mantra is like a lifeline. And being curious about the process really helps.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 10

Centering in before I start seems to be a contemplation of my feet. Feet are the connection to the earth. Before I close my eyes, it seems reassuring to acknowledge them, flex and spread my toes, relax them.

I thought meditation would get easier to describe, as I learned to do it. But it is what is around the meditation, that is easier to describe, the method, (vipassana) the approach to it, the settling it-like the negative space in a drawing that reveals the subject-I guess because what is there is never the same twice, and it is too ephemeral to hold on to, or some how shifts under any description...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 9 Becoming ready to meditate

Organization of meditation. Set up comfortable seat. Listen to meditation instructions. (Shinzen Young's Vipassana) Start to become ready. Re-set seat. Listen. Set timer. Listen. Stop instructions. Meditate.

Somehow, it is this 'becoming ready' that is most important. It is like seeing the dock thru the trees, you are in shadow, the dock is in light. Sunlight, reflected light from the water. Keep walking, stepping out of the trees, you are in light. No longer walking on dirt and bits of forest, the path is clearer, drier. Stepping on to the dock, smooth wood, redolent of warm sunlight. Walking to the edge. Standing on the edge of the dock. Poised. And then you are in it.

What ever it is.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 8 why meditate?

discipline, concentration, insight.

slowing down, new perspectives, energy shifts.

enjoying quiet, feeling relaxed alertness, calm.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 7 Cooking Meditation Matzoh Lasagna

Cooking fills me with gratitude, so it is well suited to meditation for me. I made a matzoh lasagna (it is passover) with spinach and leeks.(substituting for the onion) Thank you Captious Vegetarian.


This recipe is about spring and freedom. The leeks and dill have the scent of spring, the cheeses and eggs make the greens a beautiful pastel, and the matzoh is significant of freedom.

Also, it is delicious.